

As Construction specialists, we understand the context in which you work, share your ambitions and have the substance to help you realise your vision. At UHY Voscon, we put quality at the heart of how we do business with you. We have a deep understanding of the social housing, charity and property sectors. We will get to know your governance structures, how you understand and respond to risks and opportunities in the market place and how to communicate best with the board and key staff members. We will take the initiative to maintain systematic regular contact with you. And then we apply our knowledge to support you actively, giving you the confidence to be able to focus on fulfilling your vision. As your professional advisers, we work in partnership with your management team, board and stakeholders. We do not sit on the fence, but always have an opinion, so that we are challenging, raising issues on changes in policies and providing practical advice. Our involvement in the Construction sector has increased steadily in recent years, so that throughout the UHY Voscon network, we now provide internal and external audit and accountancy services to many companies. We also assist with the preparation of internal policies, VAT planning, production of business plans, advice on stock transfer bids, grant compliance checks, investigations of irregularities, completion of returns to regulatory authorities and in setting up accounting systems. In particular, we have facilitated risk management workshops and the development of an overall risk management strategy. We also undertake value for money reviews, performance audits and benchmarking reviews. We work with other Construction firms understand the regulatory environment in which you operate. Some of our clients also operate through other structure so we have first-hand experience of the risks this can bring. Beyond the Construction sector we have clients involved in property development and we provide other services to a wide range of organisations across private sector.